
Tuesday Top Ten Colors for Spring 2012

1. Tangerine Tango


 2. Solar Power

3. Bellflower


 4. Sweet Lilac

5. Sodalite Blue

6. Cabaret

7. Magarita


8. Cockatoo

9. Starfish

10. Driftwood


Love the 2012 Spring Colors...mix and match or wear tone on tone. I'm excited to put some outfits together. Whats your favorite color or color combinations????  I am loving the Cockatoo color, tone on tone or with the Starfish for an elegant  look or with Tangerine Tango or Solar Power for a more vibrant look.

Tchau, Carla


  1. What an amazing selection, love all of these but my favourites Tangerine and Solar Power and Starfish and Driftwood...gorgeous....love the interiors....

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